Navigating AI in Education: A Primer for School Leaders

AI is advancing at rapid rates, leaving leaders and educators to guess at how to respond and what to focus on. In this program, Mark Barnett, an educator and PhD researcher on AI in Education, will share the fundamental principles and behaviors that all AI systems have in common, which in simple terms, is just advanced prediction. By briefly learning about the foundations of how AI works, leaders and educators will have the necessary information to make decisions about how, when and why AI can be used for a variety of purposes in education.
In the session, Mark will cover the main areas of AI that are affecting schools, demystify the lingo and prepare leaders to make decisions. Mark will also share how to safely explore AI tools for the classroom, using a system of early-adopters and sandboxes.
Audience: School Leaders
Duration: 90 mins
Topics covered:
How AI works, explained so that anyone can understand
Advances in AI and how those will affect industry, careers and ultimately education
Appropriate pedagogical approaches for learning about AI
How to start an AI sandbox program at your school
Ethics in AI and legal safeguarding
Please contact
if you would like to offer this course for your school leaders.

Mark Barnett is currently pursuing his PhD in Computer Engineering and is studying how students can benefit from learning about AI in ways that help them self-reflect on their own learning process by learning how AI learns. Mark has also developed a globally used AI curriculum that teaches the fundamentals of AI image-recognition. Mark has worked in education for over 15 years as an International educator, consultant, and Ed-tech leader who has provided training in topics such as Maker Learning, Project Based Learning, and Constructionist Pedagogy.
Click here to read an article where Mark predicted the shift in AI and how it would affect schools, which was published in the summer of 2022, before the release of ChatGPT.
Click here to read an article about how Mark has helped a school in Bangkok to develop AI literacy for educators.