Digital Citizenship for Online Learning
As the world shifts to virtual learning and remote work, we spend more of our time accessing and using digital media, but are often never taught how to interact in digital communities or filter through digital media. More than ever, we need students to possess strong digital literacy skills so they can make informed decisions, be competent researchers, and form opinions free of bias. In this workshop we will explore how to build and facilitate digital communities, how to encourage digital discernment and how to inspire students to be inquisitive digital researchers.
Building digital communities
Community guidelines
Community roles to support collaboration and interactions
Captivate with gifs and memes
Types of communication tools and when to use them
Digital research strategies
Moving past Google search
Pros and cons of using Wikipedia
Verifying digital media
Questions to consider when researching
Usage rights of digital media
What is free and what is copying?
Using freely licensed media
Why are some services like YouTube free to use?
Data collection, data privacy
AI driven media consumption
What is real, what is fake and what is biased?
Types of bias that affect media
How to identify targeted media
How news is reported from different sources
Tools and services that can help check facts
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if you would like to offer this course for your faculty.
Mark Barnett is passionate about Project-Based Learning and teaching students to create with technology. With 14 years of experience in STEAM and maker education and online teaching, he has consulted with teachers and administrators all over the world to set up and design impactful learning experiences with makerspaces and related education themes. He has also been teaching teachers how to transition to virtual, self-paced and digital instruction, modeling on best practices from experts all over the globe.
Mark also speaks internationally about equity and access to STEAM and maker education, most notably at the Stanford FabLearn Conference, MIT Libre Learn Lab, SXSWedu, EARCOS in Bangkok, UNESCO in India and at 21st Century Learning in Hong Kong. Mark spends his free time travelling and learning with his family while working on a PhD in Computer Engineering to study how students construct and relate to new knowledge.