Redesigning for Deeper Learning [Middle School Teaching Track; 6 hours]

This track includes three active, hands-on, 2-hour sessions focused on instructional (re)design for deeper learning, greater student agency, more authentic work, and rich technology infusion. This workshop series is intended for classroom educators at the middle school level. Participants should bring a willingness to rethink classroom instruction. Join us and find out why the 4 Shifts Protocol is sweeping the globe as an instructional redesign tool and walk away with numerous practical strategies for shifting student learning!
Session 1. Redesigning lessons for greater student agency and deeper learning.
In Session 1 we will dive deep into Section C (Student Agency & Personalization) and Section A (Deeper Learning) of the 4 Shifts Protocol. Come prepared to participate, roll up your sleeves, ask hard questions, and critically interrogate our learning and teaching!
Session 2. Redesigning lessons for more authentic work and rich technology infusion.
In Session 2 we will delve into Section B (Authentic Work) and Section D (Technology Infusion) of the 4 Shifts Protocol. We also will begin making connections across all four sections of the protocol as we think about our face-to-face, blended, and wholly online instruction.
Session 3. Strategies and techniques for using the 4 Shifts Protocol in your own school context.
In Session 3 we will apply the 4 Shifts Protocol to our own schools. Participants should bring a couple of lesson plans or unit plans from their classroom or school. We will participate in redesign triads and also address some ‘found lessons’ scenarios (e.g., from Teachers Pay Teachers or Pinterest).
After participating in this workshop, attendees will be able to:
Use the 4 Shifts Protocol to redesign face-to-face, blended, or wholly online lessons and units for higher student engagement and deeper learning
Understand how the 4 Shifts Protocol can complement their use of SAMR, TPACK, Triple E, the ISTE Standards for Students, and other technology integration frameworks
Use the 4 Shifts Protocol to bridge existing classroom work to more complex project- and inquiry-based learning
Apply the 4 Shifts Protocol as a curriculum planning resource, not just a instructional design tool
Understand how deeper learning opportunities are an essential component of instructional equity
Certificate Assignments
In order to receive the Certificate, participants must also complete the following assignments:
Bring a lesson or unit (Lesson A) to Session 3 to redesign with colleagues
Within 3 weeks after Session 3, redesign a second lesson (Lesson B) and submit it to Scott McLeod for comments and feedback (Scott will provide more details for this during the workshop)
Please contact
if you would like to offer this course for your faculty.

An Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Colorado Denver, Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D., is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on P-12 school leadership, technology, and innovation. He is the Founding Director of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE), the only university center in the U.S. dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators, and is the co-creator of the wildly popular video series, Did You Know? (Shift Happens). He also is the co-creator of the 4 Shifts Protocol for lesson/unit redesign and the founder of both the annual Iowa 1:1 Institute and EdCampIowa, one of the largest EdCamp events in the United States. Dr. McLeod has worked with hundreds of schools, districts, universities, and other organizations and has received numerous awards for his technology leadership work, including the 2016 Award for Outstanding Leadership from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Dr. McLeod was one of the pivotal figures in Iowa’s grass roots 1:1 computing movement, which has resulted in over 220 school districts providing their students with powerful learning devices. Dr. McLeod blogs regularly about technology leadership and school innovation issues at Dangerously Irrelevant and is a frequent keynote speaker and workshop facilitator at national and international conferences. He has written or edited 4 books and 170 articles and other publications, and is one of the most visible education professors in the United States.
Leadership for Deeper Learning (forthcoming in 2021)
What School Leaders Need to Know About Digital Technologies and Social Media (2012)