Navigating AI in Education: A Primer for School Leaders
AI is advancing at rapid rates, leaving leaders and educators to guess at how to respond and what to focus on. In this program, Mark Barnett, an educator and PhD researcher on AI in Education, will share the fundamental principles and behaviors that all AI systems have in common, which in simple terms, is just advanced prediction. By briefly learning about the foundations of how AI works, leaders and educators will have the necessary information to make decisions about how, when and why AI can be used for a variety of purposes in education.
AI Educator Certificate
AI is advancing at rapid rates, leaving educators to guess at how to respond and what to focus on. In this program, Mark Barnett, an educator and PhD researcher on AI in Education will share the fundamental principles and behaviors that all AI systems have in common, which in simple terms, is just advanced prediction. By learning about the foundations of how AI works, educators will have the necessary information to make decisions about how, when and why AI can be used for a variety of purposes in education.
Maker Educator Certificate
This certificate course is a hands-on introductory program for educators, specialists, and leadership of any division in a school or institution that seeks to develop or strengthen Maker Learning. The certificate focuses on participants collaboratively constructing a foundation of the Maker Learning pedagogy, frameworks, and methods for integration in any subject area.
The Maker Educator Certificate is an intensive, hands-on, minds-on program that equips participants with everything needed to bring Making into schools and institutions. Participants explore Maker Learning through hands-on activities, case studies, and classroom examples. In addition, the Certificate Program explores the educational theory, practices, and approaches to successfully integrate learning through Making in the classroom.
Project Based Learning (PBL) 101: Start Your First Project
If you are interested in exploring PBL but don't know where to start, this PD is for you. We will look at how to design meaningful projects with teacher-made examples and connect learning to content standards while providing opportunities for students to express their unique strengths. Plan to develop and deliver your first project with the guidance and resources from this PD.
Redesigning for Deeper Learning
This track includes three active, hands-on, 2-hour sessions focused on instructional (re)design for deeper learning, greater student agency, more authentic work, and rich technology infusion. This workshop series is intended for classroom educators at the middle school level. Participants should bring a willingness to rethink classroom instruction. Join us and find out why the 4 Shifts Protocol is sweeping the globe as an instructional redesign tool and walk away with numerous practical strategies for shifting student learning!
Digital Citizenship for Online Learning
As the world shifts to virtual learning and remote work, we spend more of our time accessing and using digital media, but are often never taught how to interact in digital communities or filter through digital media. More than ever, we need students to possess strong digital literacy skills so they can make informed decisions, be competent researchers, and form opinions free of bias. In this workshop we will explore how to build and facilitate digital communities, how to encourage digital discernment and how to inspire students to be inquisitive digital researchers.
Writing & Assistive Technology
Assistive technology can help empower students by unlocking barriers to reading, writing and consuming information while learning. This workshop is based on twenty years of experience in guiding hundreds of students with neurodiverse conditions to write more effectively and use assistive technology tools and strategies to express comprehension.
Assistive technology is any device, piece of equipment, or operating system used to support student learning. Assistive technology allows learners to use their strengths to bridge learning gaps and support their individual needs.
Reading & Assistive Technology
For many students who struggle with reading, assistive technology can be a life line that helps build confidence and independence.This workshop is based on twenty years of experience in guiding hundreds of students with neurodiverse conditions to read more effectively and use assistive technology tools and strategies to access curriculum.
Assistive technology is any device, piece of equipment, or operating system used to support student learning. Assistive technology allows learners to use their strengths to bridge learning gaps and support their individual needs.
Assessment, Feedback and Review for Online Learning with Mark Barnett
Learn to use rubrics, informal assessment strategies and formative grading techniques to assess your students’ work online. Review several examples and discuss appropriate ways that you can assess student learning without using only traditional quizzes and tests.
Certificate on Redesigning for Deeper Learning
Consilience is pleased to offer the Certificate on Redesigning for Deeper Learning. This Certificate will have 5 Professional Learning Tracks for international school educators that are focused on Instructional (Re)design for Deeper Learning, greater Student Agency, more Authentic Work, and Rich Technology Infusion.
In the teaching and instructional coaching tracks, our facilitator, Dr. Scott McLeod from the University of Colorado Denver, will use the 4 Shifts Protocol to frame our instructional work together. The protocol contains concrete, specific 'look fors' and 'think abouts' that allow educators, coaches, and instructional leaders to shift students' instructional work in deeper, more robust directions. The protocol is a useful complement to SAMR, TPACK, Triple E, the ISTE Standards for Students, and other frameworks that international schools may be using, and also is an excellent capacity-building bridge to more complex inquiry and PBL projects.
Transitioning to Online Instructional Design: A Primer for Online Learning
If you have recently made the shift to online learning and want to improve your practice, this PD will cover the pedagogy, effective strategies and best practices from the fields of instructional design and learning science to help you keep online learning meaningful and engaging.
Differentiating Curriculum for Online Learners
With students learning at their own pace at home, it often becomes difficult to manage the diverse needs of learners and keep up with their varying speeds. Learn to meet students at their pace and develop lessons that allow for growth by differentiating with projects.
Peer to Peer Online Learning
With students learning at their own pace at home, it often becomes difficult to manage the diverse needs of learners and keep up with their varying speeds. Learn to meet students at their pace and develop lessons that allow for growth by differentiating with projects.